Monday, December 3, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Content Inventories (Pt. 2) and Site Diagrams

For those of you who had some difficulty with the introduction to content inventories in our last class and didn't find Jeff Veen's article enough of a clarification, I'm posting this article by Jason Withrow from 2004. Despite the focus on site diagrams (also useful for class), the article offers a good explanation of numbering a content inventory in the section titled "Specifying levels and numbering pages." Just keep in mind the client-friendly option of numbering the home page "0" as an alternative to using "1" (delineating sub-sections more clearly—e.g., "1" and "2" versus "1.1" and "1.2").

Site Diagrams: Mapping an Information Space
By Jason Withrow

Also take note of the site where this article is found. This semester I've yet to introduce them, but Boxes and Arrows ( and A List Apart ( are two very useful sites for keeping up with practices in IA and UX.

Submit Post for November 28 (Article Review #5)

Please post a link to your fifth Article Review in the comments.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Content Inventories and National Oatmeal Day

We have a lot to cover in a short time in class tonight, so I'm including links to a variety of resources that you're going to need during and after the class. Here's the list:

1. Two news stories from a single author related to the discussion we had last week about email and cloud privacy issues and the law

Leahy scuttles his warrantless e-mail surveillance bill
By Declan McCullagh

Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants
By Declan McCullagh

2. A 2002 article explaining the basics of doing a content inventory

Doing a Content Inventory (Or, A Mind-Numbingly Detailed Odyssey Through Your Web Site)
By Jeffrey Veen

3. Two organizations of crucial importance to the oatmeal project

4. Links related to National Oatmeal Day (October 29) and/or National Oatmeal Month (January)

Submit Post for November 21 (Source Comparison #4)

Please post a link in the comments to your fourth Source Comparison.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Organizing Information

You'll find my notes on a section of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web here. You may want to refer to these in class tonight.

Notes on Morville and Rosenfeld

The following page from the Web Style Guide online offers another view of the ways information is organized.

Web Style Guide (Chapter 3)

Submit Post for November 14 (Article Review #4)

Please add a comment with a link to your fourth Article Review.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Submit Post for October 17 (Source Comparison #2)

Please submit a comment here with a link to your second Source Comparison.

Reading and HW for October 17 Class

Please complete the following reading in Web ReDesign 2.0 before our class on Wednesday, October 17.

Web ReDesign 2.0 by Goto & Cotler
pages 46-85

In addition, I'd like you to answer the following five questions about the reading assignment.

  1. What do Goto and Cotler think are some important things to identify when assessing audience capabilities? Are there examples you would add given changes in the industry since the book was published in 2005?
  2. What is scope creep?
  3. What software application do the authors recommend using for project management? Why do they recommend using a different application to deliver project management information to a client?
  4. There's a proofreading error in the sidebar titled "Project Management Applications"—what is it? (Google may help you here.)
  5. According to the authors, can usability testing be conducted using an online survey? Why or why not?

You should post the answers to these questions on your blog and submit a link to them in the comments for this blog post by the start of class. Your name and a link to the post will be sufficient here.

Submit Post for October 10 (Article Review #2)

Please add a comment here following the format established for Article Review #1. This should be posted by October 10, although we have a class meeting that night.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Submit Post for October 3 (Source Comparison #1)

Please add a comment to this post with a direct link to your first Source Comparison. Follow the same format used for submitting Article Reviews, but instead of including an article title, use a more general topic description (i.e., what were your three selected articles about?).

Reading for October 3 Class

Please complete the following reading assignments by Wednesday, October 3. 

Web ReDesign 2.0 by Goto & Cotler
pages 16-46

Notes on the Core Web Development Process (a handout)

Lunch with the FT: Tim Berners-Lee
By Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson

Also, please do a little clicking around Tim Berners-Lee's web personal pages on the W3 site (mentioned in the article above) and be prepared to discuss them:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Submit Post for September 19 (Article Review #1)

Please add a comment to this post with a direct link to your first Article Review. Include these three elements on separate lines:

1. your first name
2. title of article reviewed
3. direct url for your review (pointing to a post on your blog, NOT to the article you reviewed)

For example, if I added a comment for the sample review that I created it would look like this:

"The Dirty Little Secrets of Search"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Real Class: Syllabus, Survey and Reading

Tonight will be our first official class. I'm posting several important links that you'll need right away.

Class Syllabus
A copy of your syllabus will be available in PDF form all semester long at this link.

Introductory Survey
Please complete this survey before you leave class today.

Please read this brief introduction to information architecture and short historical feature on the origins of the Internet before our next class. We'll discuss them and you may be quizzed, as well.

Pay attention to how information is presented. Consider how you might use these articles to learn more about the topics they introduce.

What is 'Information Architecture'?
by Martin Belam

How did the Internet start? (Read first 2 pages)
By Jonathan Strickland